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The California and Nevada Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors Association (CELSA) promotes public awareness of the Civil engineering and Land surveying professions through various programs. They provide training programs for people pursuing these professions, as well as support educational programs for students in these fields. Additionally, they offer legal services related to collective bargaining agreements with members' employees and other related legal issues.

California & Nevada Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors Association, Inc. (“CELSA”) was formed in 1941. CELSA is the result of six local employer organizations joining into a common organization to better represent themselves in contract negotiations with the largest Construction Industry Local Union in the United States - Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3. Today, California & Nevada Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors Association is the premier employer trade association in Northern California and Northern Nevada representing employers of field survey employees in collective bargaining and labor relations. The primary goal of California & Nevada Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors Association is to keep its members' firms competitive in the Northern California and Northern Nevada marketplace. 


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